We are specialised in the recruitment of specialists and mid-level management professionally connected with digital world and new technologies.
- we conduct recruitment processes for IT experts and technology area managers
- we cooperate with the IT/Telco and e-commerce sectors
- we support our clients in search and selection process of candidates for technological departments in sectors such as finance, insurance, pharma, manufacturing, media, logistics and many others…
We are the part of The Amberstone Associates

Positions: key account manager, sales manager, sales specialist, product manager, telesales…
Maintenance, development, IT network/system administration, service management, IT security, audits, help desk…
Business development, design, e-commerce systems, on-line/digital marketing, content management , Internet technologies, graphics, www…
Software development, software architecture, testing, project management, systems implementation…
What is it?
Complex, tailor-made service adjusted to the specific requirements of the client. It is based on precise market identification that is realised by our research team with use of the classic direct contact method (active identification and approaching candidates) following a planned target list.
When is it worthwhile?
- Direct search
- Confidential recruitment processes
- Difficult recruitment processes with respect to a narrow market of specialists/experts
- When passive methods (ads, selection, database, etc.) did not lead to a successful result.
Basic objectives:
- Retained Search (recruitment fee based on instalment payments)
- Target list (work based on a planned list of companies)
- Methodology (classic active identification, direct approach towards candidates, face-to-face meetings with candidates, advanced assessment process, reporting, guarantee)
- Time of realisation: several weeks
- Simultaneous search support with auxiliary methods (ads, portals, database)
- Success guarantee (the process is realised until the candidate is employed)
What is it?
It is based on market identification according to client’s specific requirements with the use of “passive methods” (ads, portals, databases). This form of service is focused on the use of resources obtained in the course of other recruitment processes conducted by the team. The assumed duration of the process is shorter and the process is based on reaching to many candidates about the offer at the same time.
When is it worthwhile?
- Open or confidential recruitment processes
- ‘Open’ recruitment for numerous positions.
- Recruitment processes in the areas that are represented by a large group of candidates on the market
- When short time of realisation is required
- When there is a need to use many sources of candidates simultaneously
Basic objectives:
- Success Fee (recruitment fee is paid after a presented candidate is accepted by the client for the hiring process)
- Analysis of the available candidate market based on the agreed requirements
- Methodology (direct reach towards candidates available on the market, e.g., candidates from the database, meetings with candidates or another agreed with the client way of their verification)
- Short time of realisation (a few days to 2 weeks)
- Flexibility towards use other ways of methodological verification required by the client
What is it?
This is a service that enables obtaining comprehensive knowledge about market situation and competences available in the given geographical location or business sector. This service provides our clients with knowledge about the availability of employees of a certain competence profile, technical expertise and about their financial expectations or openness to career changes.
When is it worthwhile?
- Planned setting -up of a new competence centre or another central unit gathering specific knowledge.
- “Open” recruitment that involves hiring a number of specialists whose profiles are mutually supplemented.
- Market research in order to verify information about market activities of brands competitive to the client’s.
- Market research in order to take strategic business development decisions.
Basic objectives:
- Precise market analysis based on classic direct search methods
- Information obtained from first-hand sources
- Report containing answers to the questions specified in the objectives
- “Tailor-made” solution
- Report preparation by the team specialised in the analysis of the IT and new technologies market.
- Conclusions presentation during a direct meeting.
Simplicity Contracting
We are a team of Simplicity, letting our customers korzystanie z wykwalifikowanych specjalistów i ekspertów IT bez konieczności ich zatrudniania na stałe. Elastyczne podejście do czasu oraz formy kontraktu daje możliwość oddelegowania kompetencji zarówno do krótkoterminowych projektów technicznych, jak również długofalowej współpracy. Simplicity Contracting daje gwarancję właściwego doboru specjalisty, jak również zabezpiecza procesy kadrowe wynikające z procedury zatrudnienia.
When is it worthwhile?
Project support:
- wsparcie peeków projektowych
- zabezpieczenie zmiennego zapotrzebowania
na kompetencje - projekty określone w czasie
- zastępstwa na dłuższych nieobecnościach (zwolnienia zdrowotne, urlopy macierzyńskie itp.)
- nagłe, niezaplanowane potrzeby rekrutacyjne
Gdy nie masz etatu:
- gdy nie masz czasu na rekrutacje
- gdy masz pełnoetatowe zadania, ale nie masz zgody na dodatkowy wakat
- gdy chcesz odciążyć wewnętrzny dział HR z procesów kadrowo-płacowych
- gdy w Twojej firmie nie ma wewnętrznych struktur HR
- gdy zależy Ci na elastyczności
The Simplicity Recruitment team are people who see work as much more than just the office and tasks to do. We are a team in the full sense of the word focused on achieving success and mutual support. Apart from work, we value the atmosphere, partner relations and a friendly environment. We work with the new technologies market which is difficult and challenging. It requires us to constantly improve our competences and continuously build our knowledge.
As far as quality is concerned, we do not attach any compromise to that matter . We demand involvement, but we also offer a lot from ourselves: support, knowledge, methodological and content-based training as well as the opportunity to learn from the best IT recruitment consultants on the market.
If you feel that you miss a positive atmosphere at work, the possibility to develop and learn from the best , if you are ready for changes and looking for exciting challenges, and if you have the experience, knowledge or passion in the field of IT and broad understanding of new technologies – send us your application!